July 6th Avery turned the big two. We had a ton of fun on her birthday. The day started off by letting her pick out her favorite donut from Krispy Kreme. She wanted to wear a Krispy Kreme hat too. Then we went and got some balloons to play with.
We went out to eat for lunch and got her favorite hamburger and french fries from Wendy’s. We played all day long and waited for dad to get home from work. When that finally happened we had family over for cake and ice cream and Avery opened all of her presents. She loved them all. Thank you everyone!!
Avery helping make her cake in her new apron
Playing with balloons and riding her new tricycle
Opening presents
Singing Happy Birthday
Blowing out candles
What is Avery up to?
Avery is in swim lessons right now and she is loving it. Every morning she asks to go swimming.
She likes to do puzzles. She also loves to play hide and seek even though she comes out of her hiding spot before you find her.
Just about everyday she asks to watch Gabba. Which is short for Yo Gabba Gabba.
Avery can sing the ABC's and she can count to 10.
Avery is a little chatter box. No matter what I am doing she is right behind me saying,“Thanks mama”I hear this about 100 times a day. She will also keep saying it until you say “Your welcome Avery.”
She LOVES LOVES LOVES books. We read every book we have everyday and sometimes more than once. We have read some of them so much that Avery reads them to us now! Not that she can read she just has them memorized.
Avery has an amazing memory. When she asks me to do something and I tell her we can do it when dad gets home the first thing I hear when Levi comes through the door is the thing she asked for that morning. She also has a fish game/puzzle she got for her birthday and she can put it together faster than anyone else.
Avery is so loving! She loves to give out hugs and kisses to everyone. The first thing when she wakes up and the last thing before bed she wants to give Mason a kiss. This just melts my heart! We love you Avery and can’t wait to see how you learn and grow this next year!!