This last weekend Levi and I went to the Diamondbacks baseball game. I scored free tickets from a drug rep at work. He gave me the option of a bunch of different games but I had know idea who would be good to see so I had to call Levi and see who he would like to see. He picked a game against the New York Mets. Even though we lost it was a really good game! We had a great time. Our seats were right above the owner of the diamondbacks and Senator John McCain came to the game and was sitting right next to him. It was pretty funny even though they are on the front row of the game they have a flat screen TV that plays all the replays up close and personal, just in case they missed it. So after going to the game I decided something, I don't know if on airlines if your are to big for the seat if you have to pay for two seats, but after sitting next to the guy at the baseball game I decided that should be a rule for all public spaces. At first I thought that making big people buy two tickets was a really rude thing to do but once you have the experience of having some total stranger sit next to you and rub their total right side of their body to your whole left side for three and half hours, forcing them to buy two tickets doesn't sound that bad. He kept reaching in his pockets for snacks and I would get elbowed in the ribs. It was pretty uncomfortable! Lose some weight or pay up!
Anyways the next picture is of Levi's favorite player Eric Brynes. He is a great player! The picture is from the HD screen at the field and it is enormous. He almost got a triple due to errors from the other team but didn't quite make it all the way and got thrown out at third. We would have won if he was just a 1/2 a second quicker!
Oh dang, how awful is it that you had to sit next to that bid dude. But games are always fun to go to. At least you weren't caught in between a fight. When Steve and I went to a Coyotes game the row in front of us and the row behind us got in a bad fight and Steve and I were caught in the middle, Steve had to protect me.
Oh man, how do you people keep doing all these nifty things with the blog? I thought I was alright with the whole computer thing but apparently NOT!
Sick! I'm getting grossed out just hearing about that guy! I just picture some 500 pound sasquash (spelling??) that is all hairy and sweaty and probably drooling while munching away! SO sorry! I agree, they should have to buy 2 seats! But it sure sounds like you guys had a great time! :) I love the title of this post by the way! :)
That is pretty funny. Ok not that you had to sit by him but your story.
As a Member of the Oversized Team, I'm hurt :) I can't afford two tickets, I spend all of my money on food, can't you see. I swear skinny people don't see so well. It must be a lack of nutrients. LOL I am so playin!! I feel your pain, when Alece & I went to Europe the flight over to Newark I sat next to this oversized guy who needed all sorts of elbow room! Like he didn't have enough room! phfff! So, tell me did your sunglasses work against the glare from John McCain?? lol I miss you Guys!
I AM AN IDIOT! I thought that it erased my first comment so I posted it again! Sorry. This is one good reason why I don't blog :)
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