On Saturday we went up to Sedona and went to slide rock. We both have never been there but we had a great time. On Friday night we stayed up late talking to family and when we got home at one in the morning we threw some things together for slide rock and went to bed. We then woke up at six in the morning so we could get to slide rock early before it got really busy and we managed to leave the house without sunscreen and towels(two of the most essential items for the day)
We got to slide rock around 8:30 and we were able to beat the crowd. We staked out a spot to put all of our stuff and we headed down the slide. It was so much fun but my shorts road up a little and I got a little rock burn on the back of my leg/butt. Of course on the first run down the slide Levi had made it down with success but getting out of the water was a different story. The rocks are very very slippery and Levi was almost out of the water and he slipped and he tried to catch himself with his hands on the rock and of course his hands slid right out from under him and he nailed his forehead on the rock. Then he rolled over to make sure his head wasn't bleeding and he rolled the wrong way(back into the slide instead of towards the dry rock) and it was so slippery that he slide part way down the rock again with a huge goose egg on his forehead. Needless to say Levi didn't want to try it again. I wish we had a video camera because you can sit there a watch person after person fall on their butts. It was pretty entertaining. There was also a little cliff that I jumped off into the water. The water was pretty cold. When you got in it took your breath away. A sign on the way in said the water temp was 66. It felt pretty good after you have been sitting out in the sun for awhile.
It was so beautiful in Sedona. We hiked around a bit and took alot of pictures of the scenery. There were a lot of morning glory flowers all around that were blooming. As we were leaving there were crowds and crowds of people walking up to the slide. I think we left right at the right time. We ate some lunch and did a little bit of shopping. By the time we were shopping we were both pooped and weren't to interested in the shopping so we headed home!