Saturday, November 1, 2008

I've got primary songs stuck in my head

I looked out the window and what did I see,
Drunken drivers wearing pink undies.
The Sheriff has brought me such a nice surprise,
Crooks serving time right before my eyes

I could watch the inmates pick the weeds,
A group chained together right below the knees.
I can see the guards, but I'm glad to be,
Locking my door between them and me!

We have this empty field right in front of our apartment and Levi looked out the window and to his surprise he saw the whole chain gang cleaning up the field. And Yes, they do wear pink underwear!


Melanie said...

stripes and everything! That's crazy!

Melanie said...

oh, I changed my blog address to

{Steve and Amanda} said...

OH that's funny, I would not feel comfortable with those guys out there, all though the pink undies do make them a bit less intimidating.

Romi said...

I like how your version of the popcorn popping song.. very cute!

barb said...

i didn't realize chain gangs actually wore stripes either

Unknown said...

lol that is an awesome Pic! i LOVE the poem too :)