We have decided that Avery probably has colic. She likes to cry alot and nothing you can do will comfort her. My cousin who is a PA at a pediatric office suggested that I stop eating dairy products because that can affect babies through breastmilk. That seems to have helped but she still has her bad days. She seems to cry the most when she has gas. So we have tried mylicon drops and also gripe water. Once again they help but she still has her days. Today the doctor suggested we try Zantac and see if acid reflux is bothering her. So that is where we are at if anyone has had a baby with colic and has any other suggestions we would appreciate them.
Avery likes to smile and smirk in her sleep. She LOVES her baths! That is probably the one thing that will calm her cries. She just loves sitting in the warm water and she will sometimes smile a little if you use her legs to splash the water. After the bath we have to swaddle her up for bedtime and she isn't too fond of that. She wants to have her arms free when she sleeps so that she can reach up and stroke the hair on the sides and back of her head.
And lastly here is a list of some of her nicknames: munchkin, munch, chompo, squeaker, princess, The girl, and of course you cannot leave out sweetheart!
AWWW! She's so cute even if she likes to cry! But, poor thing, she can't help it!! She should grow out of it!
Both of my girls had reflux. Zantac helped, but didn't really fix all of the crankiness. We switched them to Prevacid eventually and that basically eliminated the crying for no reason. Good luck! Avery is such a doll!
That's such a cute pic!! you look so pretty! and Avery too :)
Parker takes prevacid too, but we had to start splitting his dose in half morning and night for it to start working. I've also read about this stuff called colic calm that you can buy online that's suppose to help. Also my brother had colic and my mom said he loved his swing. Unfortunately there's not a fix all, but maybe a good chiropractor. I know crazy, but I took Parker to one recently(I was willing to try anything) and he seemed a lot happier afterward, he was pretty out of wack. They can help with reflux, digestion, i dunno if it's a fix all, but it's one of the things you just gotta try diff things and hope for the best.I can't believe how big she is, she's going to pass parker up,jk. Parker has almost past his 17 month old cousin in weight. Anyway hang in there, the good thing is she's almost over the colicy period so no matter what it will get better. you atleast lucked out that it sounds like she's sleeping better, most colicky babies sleep horribly for a long time, so yay!
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