Saturday, June 26, 2010

A little vacation

Avery and I went to Utah for a week to play with friends and family. Levi had a plane ticket but decided since he just recently got a new job that he would stay home and work. We sure did miss him! Avery and I both had a great time hanging out with family and friends.P1000979

Avery was on the move the whole trip exploring new places. We don’t have stairs at our place but at my parents house she was a pro she wanted to go up and down all day long.  My mom keeps all the kids toys in an ottoman and Avery could have sat in there all day long playing with all the toys.P1000994 P1000983

It was strawberry days while we were there so during the day we went with Elise and Reed to a park where they had a lot of games for little kids! Reed had a lot of fun climbing up the rock wall and sitting at the top of the slide and calling for me to bring “Avee” to him so he could take her down the slide. That night we also went to the strawberry days rodeo which was a lot of fun.  I haven’t been to a rodeo in quite some time.June 2010 071

One day we met up with my sisters-in-law and their kiddos at the splash pad. My friend Ashlee and her son Parker came with us too. We had a lot of fun. It was our first trip to a splash pad and hopefully not the last time. Does anyone know if they have these in Arizona? I haven’t ever seen one around. It was a lot of fun and once Avery is walking a little bit better I am sure it will be even more fun for her.

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We had a family birthday party for Avery while we were there even though her birthday is in about two weeks. We thought it would be fun to see everyone and have cake. Since Avery really didn’t care about opening presents all her cousins were happy to help.



P1010041  The whole reason we planned this trip was because this is when Hannah and Nik had their wedding reception in Utah. I didn’t even get a picture of them but here is one of Avery in her cute dress!P1000999We had so much fun and can’t wait to visit again…….real soon!!


FrankandAsh said...

I didn't know Levi got a new job, congrats! Those pictures turned out so cute, it was fun to have you here a few days hope to see you again soon!

FrankandAsh said...

oh and I think they do have some of those splash pads I looked online before we went and it seems like they were all over and I'm pretty sure I remember seeing Arizona.

Melanie said...

I'm sure you've had brown hair for a while, but I just noticed. Love it!!!

Our Little Hatch Family !!! said...

AHH I love visiting the family! Addy really misses everyone and keeps asking me when we can go see our family...Today she told me that our family was going to come sad...It is pretty here and such a night and day difference! It looks like you had a blast in Utah though Avery is soo dang cute! I love the cousin picture!