Monday, June 20, 2011

Mason update and pictures

Mason A.K.A. THE SNUGGLER is the best baby ever! He is totally the opposite of Avery. If any of you remember Avery in her first six months you probably were thinking can’t they make her be quiet!!! She was very colicky and it probably didn’t help that she was born with a broken collar bone…OUCH! We had to hold her a certain way and bounce her constantly. Mason on the other hand likes to snuggle with us! He hardly cries and when he does that can be resolved by being fed or snuggling. He is a great sleeper. I love him to pieces and can’t get enough of him.

Avery also loves Mason. She asks to hold him about fifty times a day! She is constantly kissing him. Whenever I change his diaper she gets out the changing pad and his diaper and wipes. She is always asking him if he needs a pacifier. Whenever we go anywhere she makes sure that he is coming with us!!(Like we might forget him or something) It is so fun to watch Avery with Mason. She is a great big sister! I hope it stays like this forever!!!





Romi said...

He is such a cutie!! That's sweet that Avery loves him. She sounds like a great older sister!

Aaron and Kaime said...

He is TOO cute!

Jill McQuade said...

He is soo amazingly cute! I love the picture with you holding him Kathy, but stop making me baby hungry (insert angry eyes).

steve + brindy arnett said...

he is soo cute! i'm so glad to hear you guys are doing so well and that he is such a good little baby!! and avery sounds soo sweet with him... what an awesome big sister! :)

FrankandAsh said...

so fun! I'm glad he's been so good, I really think it's only fair if you get a hard one that the next one be easy:) That's what I'm shooting for at least! He is so cute, can't wait to meet the little man:)

Our Little Hatch Family !!! said...

OH MY GOSH I soooooo wish I was there holding that little stud muffin he is absolutely adorable...he is sooo handsome! I am SOOO glad you have a great little man and not a screamer! Yay for great babies! You are making me wish Rohnin was still that little and not fighting back all the time when he doesn't get his way, little stinker! Gotta love the boys...he really is so dang cute! Hope you are enjoying the stay at home mom world you deserve it! Miss you all!

{Steve and Amanda} said...

What a sweetie! Glad to hear all is well. That is seriously so good the Avery is such a good sister and helper. enjoy the snuggles!