Sunday, August 14, 2011

Masons blessing


Levi blessed Mason on August 7th. It was wonderful! The blessing was so special. Many people in the ward commented to me of how nice it was and also how unique. I feel Levi was prompted by the spirit to say the things he said. It was very special and perfect for our little guy!

We were lucky enough to be able to have most of our family here. Hannah and Nik were here for the summer and stayed just long enough to be here for the blessing. Also most of my family were able to be in town for the weekend. It was great seeing them. Avery had a great time playing with her cousins. After they had left every morning she would say Cory Livi Dax? Cory Livi Dax? over and over again. She wanted them to come over and play some more. She had a lot of fun swimming at the hotel they were staying at. I wish we had cousins close by to play with. Here are some pictures from the weekend. I am sad that we didn’t get a picture of everyone that came!


Best cousin picture I got out of at least 15. All I can say is that they are all looking up!


Avery sure is going to miss Uncle Nik and Aunt Hannah

1 comment:

Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

cute pictures! and love Mason's blessing outfit :)