Mason is AMAZING!! I can’t even tell you what a good baby he is. Every where I go someone always asks,”Is he always this content?” My answer, “Yeah pretty much” He does have his moments but then again who doesn’t! I LOVE this
little BIG guy! I could just snuggle him all day long, which I pretty much do! He definitely is a mama’s boy and I love it. Mason is already six months old. Where has the time gone? He got his two bottom teeth when he was four months and he just got his third bottom tooth.He has been eating oatmeal and rice cereal, which he loves. He can down a whole bowl in minutes. He started rolling over when he was five months old. Now he is starting to sit up on his own. Mason smiles all the time at anyone that talks to him. He has the BIGGEST and CUTEST dimples in the world. I love to tickle Mason and make him laugh and laugh and laugh! Levi is pretty good at getting Mason to roar and talk back to him. I love to see them playing together. Avery loves to play with Mason and to help him get a toy to play with. She also takes note as to when his bink is missing and she needs to find it for him or when she needs to put a blanket on him. She is mommy’s little helper(a little too much). She sure loves Mason along with the rest of us. Mason watches Avery do everything. He does get a little upset when he can’t see her but he can hear her. He has to know what is going on. Avery sure can get the best smiles out of Mason! We LOVE him!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Mason is 6 months
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
By the subject of the topic you probably thought I was talking about Mason,WRONG! Avery was a little addicted to her pacifier. When she turned one we told her that she could only have her bink during nap time and bed time. Then we were going to slowly take it away. Well we never took it away completely. So a couple of months ago I was talking to Avery and told her that it might be a good idea to give her bink to Santa and he would give her a special present. So for the past couple of months if you asked Avery about Santa all she would say was, “Avery give her bink to Santa”. I didn’t want Christmas day to be a disaster from not getting any sleep due to no pacifier. So at the beginning of December we wrote a special letter to Santa and mailed it off along with her pacifier. The next day Santa wrote back and left a special gift on Averys bed. Here are the pictures of the whole adventure!
Letter written and bink attached getting ready to go drop it off in the mailbox.
If she knew that she really wasn’t going to see her bink again I don’t think she would be smiling!
The next day checking to see if Santa wrote back. He did!! Santa said that his reindeer Prancer was really enjoying playing with her pacifier.
Avery opening her present that was left by Santa on her bed.
The whole transition went pretty smoothly. The first day during nap time she cried for about 45 min. Then that night at bed time she cried for about 30 min. She kept asking for her bink and we would kindly remind her that she sent it to Santa. One time she told me we needed to go get her bink out of the mailbox. The second day she cried for about 15 min. By day three she had stopped asking for it. Kids learn pretty darn quick!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Thanksgiving Point
Averys first pony ride. She loved it. We went to Thanksgiving point with some family in Utah and had a great time. Avery LOVES to play with her cousins!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Masons first haircut
While in Utah My sister-in-law gave Mason his first, and much needed, haircut. He had a patch of hair on the top of his head that was so long and poofy that just could not be controlled. Avery also got a little trim to control all the little scraggly hair.
Look how long it was!
After the cut. What a STUD!
Avery looking a little
nervous before her haircut.
Happy as can be when done!