Man did we have fun at the Phoenix Children’s Museum back in October. There is so much to do. We spent most of the day there. Avery had a blast. She enjoyed climbing on this contraption.
She also loved playing in the kitchen and grocery store. It was hard for us to get her to move on to the next activity.

This is a flying bath tub

There is five or six layers that Levi had to squeeze through to get to the bottom. I don’t think he realized that they were so tight to fit through and that there were so many switchbacks.

These were tubes that had air blowing through them so when you put in a foam ball or a handkerchief it would race through the tube and shoot out at you from different openings.

Avery is in the boat with legs

Last weekend we went to the Arizona Science Center. I got free tickets from the library and we took advantage of it. I think Avery was a little young for it, but we still had a good time!

Avery being raised up on a bed of nails!

Avery stretched herself

And Mason was good as long as he had food!