Thursday, April 3, 2008


As you all probably know we are trying to move out of our stinky apartment and find somewhere new to live and I am stressing out about it. It all started about two months ago. We told our managers that we were putting in our 60 day notice and we found a pretty nice apartment to move to. We signed all the papers and gave them the deposit of $130. Well something else came up where we had the opportunity to possibly move into a house. So we told that apartment, that no we wouldn't be moving in there and we lost our deposit money. Now we have been waiting on this possible house to move into. Well here we are two months later and not much has changed, still waiting! We have to be out of our apartment on the April 16th. I guess it is about time we take some action or we will be out living on the streets. It has been really hard to find somewhere to live because all the apartments are only open the time I am at work. I finally talked Levi into looking at one without me and if he liked it I would have to take an afternoon off to go look. So he found one and we both checked it out today and we signed up to move in on the 12th just a couple days before we get kicked out of our stinky apartment, and by stinky I mean our neighbors smoke about 3 packs a day and some how the smoke travels into our apartment. STINKY!! So anyways hopefully all will go as planned and we will have a place to live and we won't lose another deposit!


Aaron and Kaime said...

That is stressful but now at least you have finally found somewhere. By the way what is your married name? I can never remember.

Our Little Hatch Family !!! said...

Hey Kathy, that totally STINKS, I wish we could help out is some way I am just glad that you don't have to live on the streets or the other in which we discussed... So ya we need to have another movie fest, that was great, I saw other movie, the Jane show, yeah it was okay nothing great kind of sad! Anyhow I picked up a little contraption for Addy to play with in the yard it has a rack, and 2 shovels and a place to put sand, well little rocks I guess cause we don't have sand! Anyways good luck on the move and I hope it goes smoother than the whole housing thing! Chat with ya later!

Bran, Cedes and Bailee said...

Bertha! Look i am blogging!!! lol i think i am at least haha but wow what a stress! You guys should probably move back to Utah ;)

Elise and Danny Neilsen said...

Man! That stressed me out just reading about it! Sorry, I hope everything works out.....It will! I agree with Mercedes, it sounds like you should just move back to Utah atleast until Danny and I move away! Then you guys should follow us wherever we go! :) Sounds like a plan to ME! :)

Aaron and Kaime said...

YOu have been tagged. Read my blog and do as instructed. NOW!!! :)

{Steve and Amanda} said...

I didn't know you guys had a blog, that's awesome! Glad you don't have to deal with stinky neighbors anymore, well lets hope your new ones won't smoke a ton.