Sunday, October 19, 2008


Levi has been looking and looking and looking for an xbox since his birthday which was August 17th. He was looking for a newer model because apparently they were making them a little better so they wouldn't over heat as much! Every time we would go to any store that had Xbox's he would go and check out the dates of every xbox, but we couldn't ever find one with a newer date. Well I think he just got really sick of looking and since the price came down 50 bucks and I guess they are doing a holiday package where you get two free games with your purchase he caved in and bought one off of amazon. Now it is finally here! And guess what? We got one of the newer models! YES!!! Now Levi can't wait for Gears of War 2 to come out. That game is the whole reason he wanted to get an xbox. I am starting to prepare myself for the day and week to follow when it does come out because I am pretty sure I won't have a husband for that whole week!


Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

yay!! thats so awesome it was a newer model! steve says were gonna live with you guys now so he can play we should have an xbox party! :)

{Steve and Amanda} said...

Lucky Levi, what are the chances of that happening? Oh, Steve will be so envious. We have yet to get an XBOX or anything modern. We are still stuck in the stone age of N-64. haha yep, we consider it an antique. no $ = no fun toys :( sad.. oh well though, if you like you can give us your wii for Christmas, if you still have it...hahah yeah right I am totally kidding.