Saturday, March 14, 2009

Peep peep here, peep peep there...

Levi here:
My dad finally bought the chickens that he has been talking about for months. The black ones are Barred Plymouth Rock chickens and the brown ones are Silver Ameraucanas. So far the dogs have not made any direct attempts to get at the chicks. The chicks are staying in an aquarium under a desk in the kitchen until they feather out and can stay outside. I am going to have to build a coop for them out underneath the trees before they get too big.
Today we put them outside to have a little exercise. They were running and pecking at every bug they could see, even chasing flies that would zoom by. When they went back in their cage, all of them immediately got a drink and went to sleep underneath the warming light.
I decided that I wanted to name one. Its name is Beaker, named for the Muppet who only says " meep, meep, meep" and because it has a beak. It is the lightest colored brown chick on the right of the first picture (his bum is facing out) and on the far left of the second one. I have to say "it" because some could turn out to be boys and we really have no idea even though the store said they are supposed to be hens. Beaker was always striking out from the group and exploring, its already my favorite.


Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

cute!! Thats exciting he got chickens! and Baby chicks are so adorable :) Now you gotta get those small chickens!

Elise and Danny Neilsen said...

Awesome Levi, Awesome! :) My favorita part about the whole post is, "Levi Here." Dont know why but that made me laugh! As if we all thought Kathy would be blogging about baby chicks! :)