Avery had her two month check up with the doctor and it went really well. The doctor said that she looked great. She just laid on the table while the doctor examined her and she didn't even make a peep, which is pretty strange for her. If you have met Avery you know that she isn't a quiet baby! The zantac must be working for her acid reflux because she has been a lot calmer lately! At her appointment she got two shots. OUCH!! She didn't like that too much, but she did pretty well. She only cried for the poke and then when I picked her up she was fine.
Avery weighs 12 pounds 2 ounces and she was around the 65%. She was 24 inches long and around the 95%. He said she was going to be tall! After seeing the doctor Avery curled up on the couch with her bear and binky and fell fast asleep.

Avery's favorite things these days: Bath time, curling her long monkey toes around your fingers, being held, getting her toes tickled, being naked(don't worry we only let her do this at home), smiling and sticking out her tongue.
she sounds like Parker with the monkey toes and being naked. Tubby time is his favorite time of day no matter how tired he is he squeals when we get him naked for a tub. Well I'm glad to see she's doing well:)
Hey it was so good to see you at my shower!! Thanks for coming! Avery is getting so big and shes so adorable!! Im glad her appointment went well..
and she is one tough girl! :)
Aww. That's a cute picture of her. I hate appointments because I feel so bad with the shots. I can't believe Avery stopped crying after you picked her up. What a good baby. Kate kept crying until after we got into the car and then she would look at me like...you betrayed me... It's awful. You are so lucky.
Sounds like she is growing so well.
She is a champ. I am very excited to take her pictures. Still on for this weekend right?
Kathy, Avery is adorable! I hope you guys can make it out to the wedding so I can meet her!
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