Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Halloween 2012

On Halloween Avery dressed up as Princess Tiana and Mason went as a frog. They are pretty adorable. Avery was so into trick or treating this year. We went around the neighborhood with some friends and Avery loved running along to every house. Mason was content being pushed in the stroller and every few houses would get out and get some candy. These kids were troopers. They brought in so much candy. I think Avery ate the last piece of candy yesterday!


We were in Utah a few days before Halloween so the kids got to go to a party with a few of their cousins. Since we weren’t expecting it we got some costumes on the fly. Mason joined in with the boys and went as a skeleton and Avery was Cinderella!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Utah July and October 2012

We went to Utah the end of July and again in October. It is always so nice for the kids to see their cousins. Avery is always asking when we can go to Utah to play with her cousins. We went to a splashpad while we were there the first time. The kids loved playing in the water. In October we actually stayed quite awhile longer then expected because my back went out. While I was stuck in the same position on the couch for a week the kids enjoyed playing in the snow. On the 10 hour drive home Avery kept saying can’t we just go to Reeds house instead. She loves the time she gets to spend with her cousins!

July—swimsuits and water


October—long sleeves and snow



Monday, February 4, 2013

All about Mason


Mason is now 21 months old. He started going to nursery in December and that was all fine and dandy because Avery was in his class. Then January hit and Avery went to primary and Mason was left in nursery......alone. He has now become the screamer in the class. He cries and cries and cries. I am hoping he gets used to it soon. Levi went with him last Sunday and he did well with Dad in there. During snack time in nursery all the kids get a tiny cup of water and a few snacks like ritz crackers, goldfish, or veggie straws. Mason started taking his veggie straws and dipping them in his water like it was a fry and ketchup. Then he proceeded to do it with all his other snacks. I guess he started a new trend, before snack time was over all the kids were dipping their snacks in their water....Oops!P1040926

Mason is just a fun loving kid. He is always smiling and playing around. He has started to tease Avery and he thinks it is pretty funny. He loves to tackle her when she is least expecting it.  Mason loves to get dirty. He loves to go to the park, play in the sand, go for wagon rides, and loves to do pretty much whatever Avery is doing. They usually play pretty well together.


Mason has started saying new things everyday. He likes to say mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy until you go crazy! He also says daddy, drink, car, truck, ball, he is trying to say his ABC’s he can do ABCD.


Mason will never pass down a chance for a cookie. I caught him trying to get one off the counter while they were cooling off. He is one silly boy that we love!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

All about Avery

I have totally slacked off in the blog department. The last blog was from a trip back in June. So much has happened since then so I thought I would just do a little catch up each day or so to get back on track. Lets start with Avery.

Gift with a bowAvery turned 3 back in July and we had a great birthday bash at our house. Several of our friends came over to celebrate with us. The kids had fun playing in the backyard with bubbles, running through the sprinkler, and playing in the little blue pool.

SchoolAvery has loved every second of preschool. She can write all her ABC’s. She knows the sound for each letter. She has started sounding out words. Avery knows her address and she is learning her phone number now. She can spell plenty of words like Avery, mom, dad, boots, bat, boo, and stop.

School busBack in October they went on a field trip to Schnepf Farms. Mason and I tagged along for the adventure. The kids went on so many fun rides. They have a roller coaster there and I asked Avery if she wanted to go on it. She said yes but I don’t think she knew what she was getting herself into. I couldn’t go on it with her because I had Mason with me. I had her sit by a girl that lives by us but is a few years older than Avery. I waited at the bottom of the first drop and Avery looked terrified along with her friend. I don’t know if you can tell by the picture but she was so scared! At least she didn’t cry!  I just thought to myself at least it only goes around once, boy was I wrong they went around 3 times! Poor girl. I asked her if she wanted to go again and she said NO WAY! We also got to pick out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch.


Happy and smiling at the beginning. Terrified at the top!



PrincessAt the first of the year Avery started a ballet dance class. It has been so much fun to watch her learn new things each week. She comes home and practices all her new moves. Mason likes to join in sometimes.

SunAvery is a Sunbeam now in Primary. She loves primary and loves to sing the songs each week. Her favorite songs are I am a child of God and popcorn popping. During Christmas time her favorite song was Away in a Manger. It amazes me to see all the things she learns.