After our trip to Lake Powell we headed on up the interstate to Orem to hang out with my family for the week. We got to see a lot of friends and family that we haven't seen for a while. We love seeing our niece Alivia, and nephews Cory and Reed; they are so fun to play with!
One day my mom took the girls out for a shopping trip while Levi fixed up my mountain bike to bring back to Arizona. We also went with some friends and family to Get Smart. We both really liked the movie. It was pretty funny! In my spare time I made a skirt. Can you believe it!?!?! I actually sewed a skirt all by myself, well actually my mom told me what to sew and where to sew, but I did it. Thanks mom!!. It's a really cute skirt. Elise cut my hair and highlighted it. It's pretty short for me but I really like it. I Decided it was to hot in Arizona for long hair. Thanks Elise for the hair cut I really really like it and I have gotten alot of compliments on it!
We had a bunch of BBQ's that we went to. I love the 4th of July and all the yummy food! At one family BBQ our niece and nephew had Levi pretty busy making paper airplanes and throwing them off the deck to see how far they would go. They had a lot of fun! We also took them to the park to feed the ducks and play around. They had such a good time playing in the the fountian at the park that it was difficult to get them to go back to my parents house. By the time we left we had been there for two hours and Levi and I were pooped.
While we were in Utah during the 4th of july there were a bunch of events going on. One morning we woke up at 6:00 and went and watched 25 hot air balloons fill up and launch off. That was pretty cool to see. There were hot air balloons everywhere. One balloon was Smokey the bear and there was another one that was a bright pink pig but the rest were the normal shape. After we saw the balloons we went home and went back to sleep!
In Utah they have a huge firework show at the BYU stadium called The Stadium Of Fire. My brother and sister-in-law go every year with their family and they had two extra tickets available and offered them to us. We had an awesome time there. The Blue Man group played pvc pipe and drums, and Miley Cirus performed. We didn't know any of her songs but man those little girls were sure freaking out around us. They were so excited to see her. When the concert was over they had a huge firework show. It was so good! Thanks Craig and Lisa for the tickets, we had a great time. I love fireworks! Levi thought it was the best firework show he had ever seen, but then again he is from Arizona where fireworks are not allowed. We had a great time seeing all of our friends and family. Now we are just waiting for them to come see us in HOT HOT HOT Arizona!
OH my gosh, it looks like you guys had an awesome 4th. I wish ours was as fun filled as yours. Miley Cyrus, c'mon Kathy, we all know you are a huge fan. That's way cool that you made a skirt, Steve wants to buy me a sewing machine so I can sew my own clothes. I don't think it's that bad of an idea. Where's the picture of you modeling the skirt?? Well, we're glad you guys had a good time. By the way, your hair looks really cute.
Kahty -- Please stop cutting your long hair!!! I am striving to grow mine out and you just keep throwing it in my face that yours grows like a weed! Oh, and I would make a fantastic mom! Just so you know, its just not something i am interested in doing for a long, long, long while. I am so proud of you for sewing, you are turning into quite the betty homemaker, your hubby must be so proud! Thanks for the call when you were in town, lunch was great! Your such a peach Kitty Kat!
hey! sounds like you guys had a blast!! thanks so much for watching our animals! we had soo much fun in cali! ill be updating about it soon :)
p.s. love your hair! it looks so cute!
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