At work I use to get questions from co-workers or all the drug reps that come in things like, "What did you do this weekend?" "How was that movie?" "Any vacations planned?" "Has your day been busy?" Now all I get is, " How are you feeling?" "Have you been sick?" "What cravings do you have?" "Is it a boy or a girl?" "Have you felt her move?" "How far along are you?" Which
I really don't mind the questions here and there but you have to realize that at my work I see a new drug rep about every 30 minutes and I get all the questions over and over again all day long! So since it is Sunday and I haven't had to see all the drug reps here are all the answers to the questions for everyone. I feel great!! I still haven't been sick at all, well at least not sick due to pregnancy, I am just getting over a bad cold which unfortunately I gave to Levi. I haven't really had any cravings except I love salty things.
When I think about making something to eat for dinner I can never come up with anything that actually sounds good. Levi said I had to include that we made a 9x13 pan of enchiladas on Monday which I only had two that night and we were planning on eating the rest of the week, well now it is Sunday and I haven't had seconds and poor Levi has had it for dinner every night this week!! I don't think that we will make that again for a while. The only thing that really sounds good all the time is a hamburger and salty french fries. I know I know that is so unhealthy but it just sounds soooooooo good!
I am still not sure if I have felt her move. I felt a little fluttering but that is it.......nothing like a kick in the ribs though. I guess that will come later! I really don't care to share with everyone how fat I look but I promised my sister in law Elise that I would put a picture up since every time we talk she bugs me about it!! So here it is!