Sunday, September 2, 2012

Paleo Diet

I just wanted to start out by saying that I have never been on a diet in my life. EVER.  Even if I thought I was going to start a diet, it wouldn’t even last a day. Lets just face it, I LOVE chocolate, and food, way too much to diet!
With that being said, here’s my story of the Paleo diet.  While I was in Utah in April I had made some arrangements to see some friends. We usually meet for dinner after they get done with work. While at Carrabbas, shoving our faces full of their delicious bread, crab cakes, our actual meal plus two Dr. Peppers, we started to discuss what girls talk about, thinking that they are fat.
I can’t talk for my friends, which I think looked great, but at that moment I was definitely at my heaviest weight in my life. I would like to think that I could blame it on being married. Or possibly that I have two kids under the age of 3; doesn’t everyone use that excuse? Well those are definitely not valid excuses.  During dinner my friend Alece told us all about the paleo diet that she had tried. We all decided to start the diet on May 1st for 30 days. She sent us a bunch of emails about the paleo diet so we could get ready for it. While I was in Utah I never had the time to actually do any research or plan out what I was going to eat. I drove home to Arizona the day before we were to start this diet. That night at ten o’clock I was reading what Alece had sent me and thought that I was going to die. My mom just laughed and laughed at me when I was telling her all the things I couldn’t eat. To put it simply you cannot eat anything. Okay not anything, but that’s how I felt. You cannot eat dairy, bread, sugar, and by sugar I mean anything with sugar in it like ketchup or any dressings. You wouldn’t believe all the things with added sugar. You can’t put butter on anything or cook with it.  All you can eat is fruit(natural sugar), vegetables, and meat. Some refer to it as eating like a caveman. Here is the link of the 30 day program we followed.
The first day I really felt like I was about to die from starvation. I was definitely not prepared at all for this. The only thing I ate the first day was carrots and fruit. I was starving! That night I decided I was going to get some recipes and everything I needed for them so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat all the snacks around the kitchen. Trust me, I have a lot of snacks around. I think with kids you just have to have snacks on hand.  I also got a huge bag of raw almonds to snack on if I thought I was about to give in. I won’t bore you with my day to day progress. I will just say that I did it! I stuck to it the whole month. Not one Dr. Pepper was slurped during the month of May. Here are my results. This is also with little to no exercise. I did walk 30 mins everyday for the first week and then my back was acting up and I didn’t exercise the rest of the month.
  • On each arm I lost ½ to ¾ of an inch. You know the area when you wave to someone and your under arm flab waves back.
  • On each thigh I lost 2 ½ inches.
  • Around the hips I lost 1 inch,
  • Around the waist (belly button area) I lost 2 inches.
  • Around the biggest part of my butt, which had gotten rather large, I lost 3 inches.
  • And of course the one place where most girls would rather gain weight I lost the most; around the chest I lost 4 inches. Trust me there wasn’t much there to lose either.

The grand total of weight lost in the month of May was 15 pounds. I had lost 12 pounds in the first two weeks and then I came to a huge slow down and I lost the last three pounds the last two weeks. Now that the 30 days is over I have gone back to eating my “normal” just more cautious of what I am eating and not snacking so much. I have lost two more pounds and slurped plenty of Dr. Pepper.


FrankandAsh said...

wow I wouldn't last 5 seconds, any time I tell myself I can't have something then that's exactly what I want. Way to go though, sounds like you did awesome!

Audrey Crisp said...

That's amazing! Good for you! I cannot do this diet. Oh man... You rock!