Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Swim Lessons

This last week Avery had a week of free swim lessons at Aquatots. She had a ton of fun and she learned a lot of good skills. She was the best in her class at climbing out of the pool by herself. The other kids needed a little boost here and there. Avery is getting better at floating on her back. When we would practice at home she didn’t like putting her head all the way back because she got water in her ears. At swim lessons she finally mastered it and will put her head all the way back in the water. She is also getting a lot better at using her arms to swim.


We couldn’t leave out this happy boy!



Our Little Hatch Family !!! said...

Love the family picture...I hope you are planning on sending one of those cute pictures this way so we can actually show people that Art does have siblings!!! Yeah oh we sent some to you too! That canoe is soo cute! How fun!

steve + brindy arnett said...

how cute! how do you get free lessons?!